Before, during, and after the internship, "Young Styrians GO Europe!" (YSGE) relies on cooperation with project partners to support the participating pupils and apprentices.
We provide know-how for the implementation, premises for preparatory workshops and events, checklists, and, of course, we are always on hand with help and advice. The schools and companies are just as involved in the preparation, supervision, and follow-up of the internship as the young people's parents or guardians.
Our project partnership includes a strong network:
The Styrian Economic Society (STVG) as project coordinator
The Styrian Education Directorate with the EU Service Department
The Styrian Provincial Government with the Department for Europe and External Relations
Many Styrian companies
LOGO Youth Management

We are delighted that many educational institutions are official Erasmus+ project partners - and the number is growing all the time:
​Tourismusschulen Bad Gleichenberg
Höhere Technische Lehranstalt Leoben
Handelsakademie Grazbachgasse – Graz
Handelsakademie Feldbach
Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe Krieglach
Handelsakademie Fürstenfeld
Handelsakademie Eisenerz
Handelsakademie und Bildungsanstalt für Elemantarpädagogik Bruck an der Mur
Handelsakademie Judenburg
Handelsakademie Weiz
Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe Fohnsdorf
Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe Leoben
Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe Mureck
Modeschule Graz
We are pleased to have enabled many apprentices from the following companies to do an internship abroad - and the number is growing.
These companies include, for example:
Möbelbau Breitenthaler GmbH
Ferk Metallbau GmbH
Siemens Mobility Austria GmbH
Siemens AG Österreich
Andritz AG
Magna Powertrain
Magna Au