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Promotion of internships abroad by the European Commission

The European Union's Erasmus+ program opens up a wide range of opportunities for mobility and international cooperation in education, youth, and sport for the years 2014 to 2020.


Two and a half million students and pupils in vocational training as well as apprentices will benefit from Erasmus+ in total. In addition, 800,000 teachers and 500,000 young people will be able to take part in mobility projects and exchange programs.


At the same time, the program also supports transnational partnerships between educational, vocational training, and youth institutions as well as measures in the field of sport to strengthen its European dimension and contribute to overcoming serious cross-border problems.

The program's Jean Monnet Actions also support teaching and research on European integration.


The seven-year program aims to improve skills and employability and modernize education, training, and youth work systems.

In Austria, 1,595 projects have been approved and over 50,000 people have been mobilized since the program was launched on 1 January 2014. A total of 90 million euros in funding has already been paid out.



General objectives of Erasmus+


Erasmus+ makes a contribution


  • to achieve the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy

  • to achieve the objectives of the strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training (Education and Training 2020)

  • for the sustainable development of higher education in partner countries

  • to achieve the general objectives of the renewed framework for European cooperation in the youth field (2010-2018)

  • the objective of developing a European dimension in sport, particularly grassroots sport, in line with the EU work plan for sport

  • on the promotion of European values by Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union

and Erasmus+ will enter the new generation in 2021

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The future of Erasmus+ from 2021




Final preparations are being made for the new European education program Erasmus+ 2021-2027.

The successful EU program Erasmus+ will be continued from 1 January 2021. The European Commission is proposing to double the financial resources for the successor program to 30 billion.

Cross-border mobility for people of all ages, cooperation within the framework of European projects, and support for political reforms will remain the central tasks of Erasmus+.


Access to the program should be made easier for all people and organizations from the fields of education, youth, and sport, and in particular people should be allowed to participate regardless of their social background or any existing obstacles to mobility.


Participation in the Erasmus+ program will be possible in all areas in the form of integrated learning ("blended learning"); the acquisition of knowledge and skills through e-learning will also be expanded. Under the current COVID-19 conditions, the program is already doing important preparatory work to ensure that participation in the program remains possible even without physical mobility and face-to-face learning.

Some concrete changes for the education sector that Erasmus+ is planning from 2021:


  • A special focus will be placed on the mobility of schoolchildren. This will no longer be part of the KA229 mobility project track, but of the key action for mobility.

  • Possibility for accreditation of institutions to make participation in Erasmus+ and the implementation of mobility projects easier. 

  • As an alternative to accreditation, educational institutions can also get to know the program as part of a short mobility project. 

  • More short learning stays abroad should be possible.

Further information at

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