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European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC - Europäische Corona - Ampel)

Current situation regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus) and Young Styrians GO Europe!

Disinfection products

Pupils: Summer internships 2020

Dear students, dear participants of the "Young Styrians Go Europe!" project in summer 2020,


COVID-19 not only has an impact on your school life, but also on our daily lives and COVID-19 may also have an impact on your planned internship abroad in the summer.


We are constantly coordinating with the Erasmus+ Education National Agency in order to assess future developments and their impact and consequences for your internship abroad with our joint YSGE project.

  • Travel preparations - please wait or consider carefully!

As the situation could change again and again, we recommend that you make bookings promptly and always with caution.

  • What happens to the bookings of those students who have already booked travel and paid accommodation for their internship abroad?

The Erasmus+ Education National Agency has good news here: Costs actually incurred can be refunded to the participants. In other words, the financial risk for the YSGE participants and their legal guardians/parents is limited and covered depending on the amount of the travel and accommodation costs of the Erasmus+ funding.

In order to secure this financial aid, all cancellations must be available and only the actual remaining and incurred costs may be invoiced.


ATTENTION: It is MANDATORY that you document the travel and accommodation costs you have incurred! You send us the invoices for the travel expenses and/or accommodation costs including a confirmation of payment from your account-holding bank.

  • Cancel or cancel bookings that have been made? Yes or no and when?

However, we recommend that you wait until shortly before the start of your internship before canceling your arrival by plane, train or bus (please note the last cancellation deadline!), as we are currently unable to estimate how the COVID-19 situation will develop - and possibly improve - until the start of your YSGE internship abroad.

  •  Do you have problems with cancelations?

If you have problems canceling your trip and/or your accommodation, you can contact the hotline of the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection. Here is the number of the hotline:

  • Phone: 0800 201 211 (available between 09:00 - 15:00 from Monday to Sunday)

You can find detailed information on the following website:


  • More information:

In consultation with the Erasmus+ Education National Agency, we would like to refer you once again to the National Agency's information page:


The project team is of course available to you, dear participants, as well as your legal guardians and parents, by telephone and/or e-mail.

Stay healthy!


Yours sincerely, the YSGE project team, Martin Kahr and Ewald Hötzl

Apprenticeships 2020

Dear project partners, dear partner companies, dear colleagues,



Due to the current situation regarding the corona virus in Europe, we have decided to suspend the registration for the internships in fall 2020 at this time.


All internships that would have taken place in spring 2020 have already been canceled and will be offered and carried out again at a later date if necessary.


Please give us some time to collect all the information and forward it to you.


We will contact all apprentices who have already registered for the first call for applications for fall 2020 and discuss the next steps.


We wish you, your employees, colleagues, apprentices and family members all the best during this difficult time.


Thank you very much and stay healthy!


The team from „Young Styrians GO Europe!”


©  2020 Steirische Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft, Alle Rechte vorbehalten


"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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